Our impact scaling formula

Institute for Impact@scale uses a standard formula to identify the potential for impact acceleration and scaling

The ecosystem theory of change guides the identification of new value streams that unlock shared benefits to deliver a business case that can scale to the point where the salient societal issue is reduced is not a dominant factor in the societal ecosystem.

Deliver Impact Business Case (ROI)

The impact business case determines the potential for scaling. The ROI of the impact business case should be high and short to accelerate and scale. The first key ingredient is an opportunity cost of the current status quo, compared to the proposed theory of change. In other words, ecosystem actors should get more benefits by joining the theory of change, than by continuing with the status quo. The second key ingredient is a relative low startup investment. Where needed the investment can be funded by attracting catalysing (transformative) capital.

Unlock Shared benefits

Benefit Sharing is the fuel of the Impact Business Case. Benefit sharing is about unlocking and distributing financial- and monetized non-financial results to ecosystem actors. A critical element is to optimize benefit distribution to optimize the scaling and acceleration across the full Theory of Change.

Identify Sustainable Value Streams

identify value streams that meet the following qualifiers

  1. Aligned with the selected salient societal issue
  2. Is associated with opportunity cost for ecosystem actors
  3. Produce long term sustainable results
  4. Results that can be measured and verified at scale
  5. Results than can be monetized